Practical PIC Projects



Voltage programmable simple logic device
and square wave signal generator





Here's another daft yet interesting PIC12F675 idea I came up with. When I wanted to show someone how logic gates worked I could only find a NAND gate which wasn't very handy for demonstrating AND's OR's, NOR's and ExOR's.  I also wanted to have a play with the A/D converter on the 12F675 so I came up with the idea of a PIC that could function as a single 2-input logic element.  

The logic function is determined by an analogue voltage applied to the GPIO4 pin when the device is first reset, it isn't sampled again after this so logic can't be changed on the fly.  The 3 MSBs of the A/D conversion give eight distinct voltage levels that map to specific logic functions.  Six functions have been implemented;  these are 2 input AND, OR and EXOR gates and their negated equivalents. 

Just to prove the concept, here is a 'D' type flip flop (PIC Flop:-) I built out of five 12F675 Logic Elements operating as NAND gates.  The sixth device is configured to operate in square wave mode to provide a clock input to the flip-flop for testing.  The small pushbutton provides the 'data' input.

Square wave generator

With 8 analogue voltage levels and only six logic functions, this left two unused functions so these have been used to provide a square wave generator.  There are two modes, fast and slow selected by the voltage on the function select pin.  Once selected the program reads the data on inputs A and B and sets the frequency on the output pin according to the table below.
This is read each cycle so the frequency can be adjusted during operation.

 B A Freq' 
 0 0 1KHz, 2.5Hz
 0 1 100Hz, 1Hz (1s)
 1 0 50Hz, 0.5Hz (2s)
 1 1 25Hz, 0.25Hz (4s)

Selecting the Function

When the device is first powered up it reads the logic level on GPIO5.  If the input is low, the analogue voltage on GPIO4 is sensed and the logic function determined as described above.  The function selected is then saved to EEPROM.

If  the GPIO5 input is high when the device is powered up, the previously saved function is read from the EEPROM and used.  In this case the analogue voltage on GPIO4 is ignored. This allows the function that the PIC will perform to be selected once and saved so it can be used repeatedly without having to set it each time the PIC is powered on.


Function value Function Voltage select
0 AND GP4-Vss 
1 OR Vdd-10K-GP4-2.2K-Vss
2 XOR Vdd-10K-GP4-4.7K-Vss
3 Square Wave fast Vdd-10K-GP4-8.2-Vss
4 NAND Vdd-6.8-GP4-10K-Vss
5 NOR Vdd-4.7K-GP4-10K-Vss
6 XNOR Vdd-2.2K-GP4-10K-Vss
7 Square Wave slow Vdd-10K-GP4

Floating Inputs

The inputs on pins GPIO0, 1 and 5 have the weak internal pull-up feature enabled so no external pull-up resistors are required.

Selecting function during device programming

If your programmer supports writing to the EEPROM at program time, you can set up the function when the code is programmed into the PIC.  This avoids the need to 'user program' the function with an analogue voltage on first use. To do this you need to set the first three memory locations in the EEPROM as follows: (see Source Code)
Address 00   function from 0x00 thru 0x07 (see table above)
Address 01   0x81 - validation byte
Address 02   0x69 - validation byte

If the validation bytes are not correct, the EEPROM will be initialised and the function set to 0

Code and schematics

This code is written to work on a 12F675 device. The HEX file below is assembled for and has been tested with the 12F675. It should work on a 12F683 too but I haven't tried it. This code won't work with a 12F629 because it doesn't have the ADC feature. 

Propagation delay

The code to emulate each logic function takes between 6 and 9 instruction cycles to execute. This makes the effective propagation delay between an input change and the output response around 6-9 micro seconds using the 4Mhz internal oscillator.  While this is very slow compared to TTL logic for example, it's still quite practical for low speed circuits.  In theory it should work up to about 100Khz. - I haven't tested it to this speed though.

Aside from the logic function I've found the square wave generator very handy to have when experimenting with circuits on a breadboard.  If you dig into the source code you can tune the frequencies to suit your own needs.

The original version of this was application was written in May 2004.  

It doesn't have the save function to EEPROM feature and the code to implement the logic has an effective propagation delay of about 16 instructions (16 micro seconds @ 4Mhz clock). It also doesn't enable weak pull-ups on the inputs.

I rewrote the code because the square wave function is quite handy when developing projects but having to have the resistors was a pain when working on the bread board so I added the programmable functionality to the code and took the opportunity to speed up the logic functions.

The original code is available here but I recommend you use the version 2 code above.


  • If you want multiple gates of the same type you only need one resistor network to set the voltage level and this can then be fed to several PICs in parallel since the input impedance on the A/D converter is quite high. 

  • In case it isn't obvious the propagation delay between input change and output will be in the order of 16uS so it's not going to replace high speed logic, but it does work really well as intended; for educational and teaching purposes in low speed circuits.

  • One other point to be aware of, PIC's don't like their inputs left floating so drive it or tie it but don't float it.  The version 1 code doesn't enable weak internal pull-up on the inputs so this is important.

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